Mindy adopts Angel, a high-spirited pony that—according to legend—will lead its owner to gold...
- The Legend of Catclaws Mountain -A documentary on the history and making of the epic anime series "Space Battleship...
- Space Battleship Yamato: The Making of an Anime Legend -Something sinister's afoot in Kasukabe. Shin-chan doesn't know what it is, but he's...
- Crayon Shin-chan: The Legend Called: Dance! Amigo! -In the future, a devastated earth face war coming from the oceans, when a race of mermaid mutants...
- Coral Reef Legend: Elfie of the Blue Sea -At the behest of Admiral Yang Wen-li, defected intelligence officer Commander Baghdash makes an...
- The Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These Seiran 3 -A ceramic figure of a blue mouse with long ears, stubby legs, and no tail suddenly comes to life....
- The Legend of Manxmouse -Marquis Reinhard von Lohengramm's plot to destabilize the Free Planets Alliance succeeds when...
- The Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These Seiran 2 -An anime film for the second Cyborg 009 anime TV series....
- Cyborg 009: Legend of the Super Galaxy -This little-known and poorly documented Leiji Matsumoto TV movie, tells the story of the revolution...
- The Legend of Marine Snow -Dreams begin to haunt Lady Sheru -- dreams of her past life as Pirotesse. Her love, Ashram, is...
- Legend of Crystania: The Motion Picture -An army of invading aliens attack the peaceful land of Lyon with lust and carnage on their minds....
- The Legend of Lyon: Flare -When Nube and his class arrive at a small island to carry out beach activities, they heard a...
- Hell Teacher Nube: Summer Holiday of Fear! Legend of the Sea of Suspicion -In humanity's distant future, two interstellar states-the monarchic Galactic Empire and the...
- The Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These Seiran 1 -The film's story is a prequel to the Fist of the North Star depicting the one year interval...
- Fist of the North Star: The Legend of Kenshiro -Fourth part of the new Fist of the North Star movie pentalogy presenting the story from Toki's...
- Fist of the North Star: The Legend of Toki -After her village is destroyed and all its residents slaughtered by the evil wizard Gardein and his...
- Legend of Lemnear -Kenta, a Pokemon master in the making, meets up with his childhood friend, Marina, at a Pokemon...
- Pokemon Crystal: Raikou, the Legend of Thunder! -In Ayodhya, the royal palace of Kosala Kingdom in Ancient India, four princes were born to three...
- Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama -After a noodle-loving time traveler shows up, Shin-chan and his parents transform into superheroes,...
- Crayon Shin-chan: The Legend Called Buri Buri 3 Minutes Charge -After his unexpected victory over Red Sun's Keisuke, Takumi newfound fame brings forth a...
- New Initial D the Movie - Legend 2: Racer -The first movie in a trilogy, focusing on the battle against the Takahashi brothers. High school...
- New Initial D the Movie - Legend 1: Awakening -