When a young woman learns her parents' killer has been released from jail, she is forced to...
- The Scent of Rain & Lightning -A reclusive spinster abducts a pregnant woman to steal her baby. What she doesn't know is that...
- A Stone in the Water -"Sordid Lives" is about a family in a small Texas town preparing for the funeral of the...
- Sordid Lives -Cleaning out his childhood home at Christmas, a novelist meets a woman searching for her birth...
- The Noel Diary -Violet realizes that her entire life is built on fear-based decisions, and must do everything...
- Violet -Del Shores' follow-up to "Sordid Lives" revisits Winters, Texas for a showdown...
- A Very Sordid Wedding -Off-duty cop John McClane is gripped with a feeling of déjà vu when, on a snowy Christmas Eve in...
- Die Hard 2 -