A militant alien race launches an attack on Earth using gigantic creatures and geological disasters...
- 2025 Armageddon -After a young boy in an under-funded inner-city school discovers the head of the school board is...
- Tales of a Fifth Grade Robin Hood -John Brock is a down-on-his-luck archaeologist who returns from an expedition to the caves of rural...
- Devil's Revenge -Benjamin Troubles is a tale of urban magic that follows Ben, an out of luck loser, who finds...
- Benjamin Troubles -A group of college nerds secretly record a washed up celebrity having sex and post the tape on the...
- Celebrity Sex Tape -A fun camping trip turns into a desperate fight for survival after two kids witness a horrific...
- Weekend Warriors -A chance meeting of two morose lovers sends them spiraling down a surreal rabbit hole. Their...
- Sunset on the River Styx -An affectless writer is lured to a couples weekend getaway by his wife and friends, only to uncover...
- Wanton Want -A mermaid is ripped from the Pacific, her tail is chopped off and she's thrown into a mental...
- Mermaid Down -Casey is attacked at random on the street and enlists in a local dojo led by a charismatic and...
- The Art of Self-Defense -